December, 2012. 14 posts.

2012/12/29 14:55:30: Heart Beats for Music

2012/12/29 13:47:11: NASDAQ Dubstep

2012/12/28 22:37:12: In Praise of Dangerous Toys

2012/12/26 20:00:33: Writing on the iPad

2012/12/26 13:24:33: Pageviews are Easy, Readerships are Hard

2012/12/25 22:56:36: Balking

2012/12/25 22:14:23: Real Men and Intentions

2012/12/24 12:50:28: Christmas Break

2012/12/13 15:55:41: Instacast 3 and Paid Upgrades

2012/12/11 22:12:34: BuzzFeed, Meet The Oatmeal

2012/12/10 13:36:00: App Segmentation

2012/12/08 20:41:27: iPad Creation

2012/12/06 09:08:35: Reinventing the Linkblog

2012/12/03 11:45:31: It's Not Just TechCrunch