70Decibels is Moving to 5by5

“Our shows deserve a solid platform to continue to grow. In my mind, there is no better place for this than 5by5 and no better person than Dan Benjamin to help us continue moving forward. When he first reached out to gauge our interest in joining his network, I was floored. As I said, Dan is a hero of mine, and I was honoured to have our network considered to join 5by5. As we continued to talk, and as I spoke with the other hosts, it was clear that this was the right opportunity for us.”

When the news first appeared in my Twitter feed last night I did a double take, positive that I had misread the announcement. Upon further speculation though, and to my growing excitement as I began catching up on the news, 70Decibels and Myke Hurley are indeed moving to 5by5 with the express goal of creating even more great podcasts. Best news ever? I think so.
