Individual versus Program SOC Metrics

The other day, a member of SANS’s GIAC Advisory Board asked a question about Mean Time to Detection, or MTTD. In the ensuing discussion, another member cautioned against confusing key performance indicators used to assess individual efficiency, to then serve as the basis for penalties and rewards, with measures of program efficiency. Holding individuals accountable for MTTD, for example, made little sense when that detection relied on factors outside of their control such as effective data collection and efficient aggregation into a centralized platform, each of which were likely to be managed by a separate department. I alluded to the challenge of implementing metrics in part one, but did not deal with this issue specifically. This bonus article provides specific recommendations for applying SOC metrics to individuals versus an entire program.

In part one of the SOC Metrics series, I explained the danger of introducing metrics and that the true problem was not the metrics themselves, but rather poor management:

“... few use metrics in general — and SOC metrics in particular — well. This series does not ignore the potential downsides of introducing metrics into an organization not ready for them. As Mick Douglass alluded to in Rapid–er Incident Response: How Fast Should You Go?, organizations that prioritize speed over effectiveness just rush to failure. The root of this problem, however, lies in poor management. Any discussion of SOC metrics must separate their value as enablers of the positives I described in [part one] from the downsides that result from their improper implementation.”

In more specific terms, when the SOC manager sees a high Time to Investigate and above average false negatives, for example, does he or she see a lazy and incompetent analyst? Or does that manager see someone who could benefit from training (were they hired or promoted into a role for which they did not have sufficient knowledge and experience?) or a one-on-one (are outside factors impacting their work performance, such as trouble at home?)? Those in the former camp will struggle to run an effective SOC, regardless of the metrics in use — but even those in the latter camp will struggle when they apply the wrong metrics to individual analysts versus the entire program. Even the best SOC metrics cannot mitigate the impact of bad management, but good management will also struggle to overcome inappropriate metrics. The list below, taken from part three, now includes tags to denote metrics suitable for measuring individual performance, program performance, or both.

Most of the measures presented in the SOC Metrics series, then, should be applied to the program rather than the individual. Alert latency, time to investigate, time to remediate, alert resolution, and classification may be used to assess individual performance, but the majority seek to arm decision makers with an understanding of the program’s performance.
