Unwanted and Unwarranted Innovation?
Earlier today I stumbled across an interesting article called We Are In The Final Years of Our Internet over on Stupid Is Winning explaining why the author believes the internet as we know it is likely to gradually fade as a younger, more tech savvy generation comes of age. The author is hypothesizing that a generation raised on touch screens and iTunes is unlikely to use the internet in the same way it is used now, which will eventually bring about a revolution of sorts in which the computing world and the internet in particular centers around specific apps rather than the browser. Perhaps the most interesting part in the article is not the main body, however, but the “jumbled thoughts in no order” at the bottom of the post, where the author proposes a number of questions and scenarios. Rather than a certainty though — the idea that the world of technology and the internet in particular are destined to change dramatically in the near future — I think we need to ask ourselves these questions: what is the possibility of reaching an asymptote in the near future at which point the need for innovation ceases? Before you answer, consider another: does anyone really want a phone the size of a bluetooth dongle — a Siri phone? does anymore really want a computer inside their head? Perhaps ranging into the dystopian extreme with the latter scenario, the thought nevertheless begs the question, “Is there a point at which we will have innovated enough that further innovation and future disruption is not only unwanted but also — and most importantly — unwarranted?”